
Showing posts from February, 2019

Preparing for Academic Writing week 3

Preparing for Academic Writing For week 3 we sat down in class and used an interactive mind mapping software known as coggle. The point of this experiment was to sit down and identify the many categories and steps that go into creating a successful project. An example of how we created this map was by putting down big broad topics and then branching the out to the smaller sections which make up the full project all combined together. This could be the topic of design, as design is a very broad topic we identified much smaller elements that contribute to the end design, Design could span out to many sub-categories such as UI, typography, graphics and story + narrative. The point of this mindmap was to identify all elements that will be involved in the project and break them down further to make sure we have a checklist of elements and give us a good way of including all the relevant factors and not skipping over anything that could contribute...

Project research

Semester 2 project !! To kick off semester two I have been thinking about about different ideas of projects I can look at. My two primary ideas where a video documentary of me trying different diets such as week 1 and 2 try going vegetarian , week 3 and 4 going low sugar ect. This would contain a full breakdown of a diet plan and a dairy of everything I eat and documenting how I feel along the way. I feel like this would be a fun thing try and for anyone who has ever thought about switching their diet up. My second idea was a visual story using Twine about a coffee shop working who hates his job and documenting a day in his work life. This could be fun as I could you on screen commands and use both visuals and audio to advance the story. It is more likely I go with the second idea as I believe it could be more engaging for people to experience. Link 1  Twine story Link 2  Introduction to Twine Link 3  Helpful tutorials