Project research

Semester 2 project !!

To kick off semester two I have been thinking about about different ideas of projects I can look at. My two primary ideas where a video documentary of me trying different diets such as week 1 and 2 try going vegetarian , week 3 and 4 going low sugar ect. This would contain a full breakdown of a diet plan and a dairy of everything I eat and documenting how I feel along the way. I feel like this would be a fun thing try and for anyone who has ever thought about switching their diet up. My second idea was a visual story using Twine about a coffee shop working who hates his job and documenting a day in his work life. This could be fun as I could you on screen commands and use both visuals and audio to advance the story. It is more likely I go with the second idea as I believe it could be more engaging for people to experience.

Link 1 Twine story


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