Games Testing week 10

Games Testing (week 10 reading)

In this weeks reading we are looking at the topic of criticism and the different forms it takes and how people perceive it. This article discusses how criticism is a good thing and I would agree ( once it is given correctly). without criticism, there is no real way for one to improve their product as they will be closed minded and unable to see problems others might see easily. There is no point in asking people to test their product then being unhappy when they don't receive the praise expected for certain elements. Constructive criticism isn't having your product wrongly criticized it is to aid in the final product, the goal isn't to hurt the feelings of the creator but to help them achieve what they set out to do. The could be explaining that certain colors don't go well together or something doesnt work as it should. These examples should be taken on board but not as complaints but as useful feedback to keep the creator on track and help them achieve their goal. Unhelpful criticisms would be more along the lines of complaining that they simply dont like the product and not following up, a strong opinion isnt helpful unless it can be fully justified and add something to the conversation that can be built on and improve the final product.

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