project Final
well this is the final day before we show off all our work. If i am being honest I had a lot of fun writing my story and figuring out twine and hope other can get a little laugh out of my game. I think an important part from this project was planning and time measurement, I think this module has helped me understand these thing a lot more and given me good experience for the rest of college. I am not all 100% happy though. I defiantly didn't get to add all the functions i wanted to into my game as I wanted. I had big plans for a health system and random events. These turned out to be more difficult than once thought. I got close to a health system but had difficulty in coding the changes into each passage. I managed to get a health bar and could manually display the health but I could not have it auto detect and keep track of itself making it impossible to work correctly. I also wanted random event. These too gave me a run for my money where I didn't even get close to...