Games Decisions (reading week 6)

Cozy Video games 

In this weeks reading the topic is of the term cozy and its belonging and featuring within video games. Cozy games are a specific genre of games that invoke a sense of enjoyment, adventure, satisfaction, and thrill while not being threatening to the player or creating a sense of discomfort.  This means at no point the player should feel stressed, uncomfortable, scared or humiliated during their play time.

Animal Crossing is a great example of a cozy game

 A cozy game can have different features some being: Cute, childlike,  homely, small word and romantic. These are all features that are easy to work around for players who want a cozy experience. This is much more ideal than a game that deals with violence and death.

Visuals are very important when designing a cozy game as it is what the player will see directly and will be what strikes them the most. visuals in a cozy game should be:
warm or vibrant colors to create a happy warm atmosphere.
Smooth textures to be pleasing to the eye and evoke a sense of safety.
Smooth transitions to aid in a gentle flow.
Focused to avoid annoyance over not seeing things or obstructing viewers options.

Audio in a cozy game should never seem depressing, eerie, or frightening. These will all make a player feel uncomfortable and maybe even ruining the game for the player. instead, the audio should be soft and light to create a happy upbeat mood.

Locations can vary from your safe town or house or adventurous like a cave. If darker locations like a cave are to be explored the player should feel like they are adventuring not being hunted. Its easy to base a cozy game around a nice city or somewhere familiar but even cozy games should be able to envoke a sense of adventure and mystery. This can be done by exploring different location in the world the player may not usually go in there actual life. It is just important to remember that the game is still cozy so the player should be in control and be an adventurer rather than being hunted as prey.

Links to interesting findings:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3


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